Do You Wanna Dance?

I don’t want this blog to be a total bummer. Our circumstance is awful, but neither of us wants to fall apart and be a puddle on the floor. Not every day anyway. There is still so much love in this house, and we honor that and are grateful for it.

Zelda. She makes us both laugh every day. She clearly knows something is up, but she doesn’t understand why Dad isn’t sleeping in our bed anymore. She just knows he’s in some crazy contraption in the living room. She’s curious about it. She misses snuggling. But we make that happen as much as possible.

When Zelda is up on the couch, Minke can cruise alongside in his power chair and reach her to give her some lovin’ and get to touch her fur and rub her ears. And he needs that just as much as she does! It’s a beautiful sight, those two. The video below is a little ritual we used to do with Zeldie at bedtime. She always knew her cue. This was back in the old house when we all slept together like the cool pack of wolves we are!

We did that with her every night for years. Now, she’ll sleep in her bed in the living room or on the couch to be near Minke. Or sometimes, she’ll come into the bedroom and hop on up to sleep with me. I love when she sleeps with me. Her snoring is soothing, and I miss sharing the bed with both of them. Minke and Zelda would often snore in sync. It was truly music to my ears.

The other thing I miss is dancing with Minke. Just randomly. We did it often and impulsively. Slow dancing in the kitchen. Or the living room. Or anywhere, really. Minke’s a good dancer. We still dance. Only he’s in his wheelchair. But we still sway to the music together. Nothing is going to stop us from doing that.

Dancing in the kitchen at the old house. 2017.


Caregiving is not for Sissies: PART I


Chronic Sorrow